<aside> 🌹 This is a tutorial created for WeekofAI Rosebud Game Jam.
Timeline: April 23 — May 10th.
Learn more about the rules and how to submit your game here:
<aside> 🔑 New to Rosebud?
on play.rosebud.ai for immediate access.</aside>
This tutorial will cover using our new AI Character and AI Story templates. These templates are designed to provide you with a solid launchpad for the WeekOfAI game jam!
If you have no experience with Rosebud, we recommend checking out our Getting Started video first. It will make everything in this tutorial much easier to understand.
Rosebud AI Tutorial: Getting Started On Your First Game
We also have a video version of this tutorial. If you would rather watch first, then check it out before continuing. It helps with following along!
WeekOfAI x Rosebud AI NPC Tutorial
Here are the two templates!
AI Character Template (Desktop) 🕹️ Play on Rosebud AI
AI Story Template (Desktop) 🕹️ Play on Rosebud AI
NOTE: We structured both in a way were the things you would commonly need to modify are all together at the top of the of the project’s code. It’s a section called the EASY-MODIFY SECTION